Assembly of the intangible and the tangible. 35 private and social housing units by MAO

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Design team
Fabien Brissaud, Aurélien Ferry.
Shell and core.- Cobat Constructions. Electricity.- SNIE. Plumbing, CMV, heating.- Eurochauff. External joinery.- Menuiserie Moreau. Tiling and painting.- Desousa. Sheet metal work, locksmith.- TSO réalisée. External cladding.- STRP.
Emerige + Ogic.
Gross flor area.- 2,419 sqm. Net Internal area.- 2,286 sqm.
August 2020.
9-11 rue Charrière, 11th district, Paris, France.

Mobile architectural office

Mobile architectural office created in 2012, by fabien brissaud, has been recognized and awarded by several international competitions and laureate of many competitions in France. our workshop seeks to achieve a quality architecture, contemporary and timeless both in direct connection with our theoretical research on architecture, society and our concern on the establishment of a particular constructive device.

Mao develops each project "in situ", studying and drawing from the existing architecture to create a project respectful of its environment. our work is based on a contextual approach that is not satisfied with a stereotyped response. each territory has its history, its geography, its materiality and its constraints. our work is based on the concept of "critical reuse", which involves always starting from the existing state in order to design a contemporary project in line with the environment. it is a question of introducing into the project approach a material part like the history, the cartography, the heritage, the economy, the human and the insertion acquired during the years and another immaterial part as the notions scale, limit, mobility and location.

In today's globalized and generic world, we strive to create architectures specific to each territory. the creed of the agency is not only to respond to an order but is, first and foremost, to re-question the issue for each project through a strategic discussion with project stakeholders and more broadly the territory.



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