BAQ XXIII. A reconciliation between project, theory, and academia

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Verónica Rosero

Verónica Rosero. (Quito - 1981) PhD in Architecture (Universidad de Alcalá, 2015) with the thesis "Demolition: the black hole of modernity", published by Editorial Diseño. Master in Architecture and City Projects (2009). International Doctorate Mention for research stays at the Delft University of Technology. Architect (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2006). She is currently an associate professor of Architectural Design and Final Degree Projects at the Universidad Central del Ecuador and Architectural Criticism at the Universidad de las Américas. External professor of the PhD in Architecture at the University of Alcalá. Central University Award 2019, indexed publications category, and BAQ XXIII Pan-American Award, printed books category. She has published in specialized magazines and given talks in Ecuador, Spain, France, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Mexico. Co-founder of I+D+A Architecture Studio with Néstor Llorca.

Enrique Ferreras

Enrique Ferreras. (1987) M.Arch at the University of Valladolid (2013). Ph.D. Candidate for the Ph.D. Architectural program at the University of Alcalá (2018- present). He is currently an associate professor in the areas of Architectural Design and History and Theory of Architecture at Universidad Internacional SEK (Quito, Ecuador). He combines his academic activity with his professional practice as an architectural designer. He has published articles and given talks at events such as the XXI Bienal de Arquitectura de Quito (panelist) or the XVII Seminario de Arquitectura Latinoamericana.



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