Stone, earth and wood for a winery. New Château Cantenac Brown by Philippe Madec

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Ingénieurs.- Ingerop Bordeaux / CE Ingénierie / Le Sommer Environnement / AMACO.
SCEA Château Cantenac Brown
Restructuring area.- 5,236 m².
Castle + winery.- 9,191 m².
Completion.- 2023.
Cantenac, 33460, France.
Cost of the work.- 19.3 million euros without VAT.

Philippe Madec

Philippe Madec (apm) & associés. French architecture studio established by Philippe Madec.

Philippe Madec. Born in Brittany (France) in 1954, a pioneer of sustainable development in urban planning and architecture, Philippe Madec lives between Paris and Brussels. Trained in architecture at the Grand-Palais of Paris (Ciriani/Maroti workshop) from 1972 to 1979, he created his studio in Paris in 1989. Meanwhile, he did not practice professionally, he traveled and lived abroad, he carried out research on architectural pedagogy. and theory and wrote his first book on Etienne Louis Boullée. Since then he has developed three activities: writing, teaching and the professional practice of his professions as an architect and urban planner. The Rennes workshop was created in 2005.

Starting from a family heritage, through personal commitment and thanks to the meeting with Kenneth Frampton in 83/84, Philippe Madec has developed an eco-responsible approach to architectural and urban projects since the beginning of his professional practice. As an architect, he designs all types of buildings, from social housing to cultural facilities. As an urban planner he works at very different scales, from villages to ecological cities (Morocco).
In parallel with his professional practice that has earned him numerous distinctions, in particular the Global Prize for Sustainable Architecture 2012, he participates in the general architecture and urban planning policy in France: expert at the Grenelle de l'Environnement, member of the National Council of Cities . and Territories of Art and History, scientific council of the PUCA, member of Europan France, member of the national jury EcoQuartiers / EcoCités, etc.

- Architecture professor since 1996;
- Full member of the Academy of Architecture since 2007;
- Knight of the Legion of Honor of ecology since 2008;
- President of the Office of the Corps of Architects of the State Council in 2012;
- Full Member of the Europe Chapter of the “Club of Rome” since 2010.
In 2015 he became a UN expert for the preparation of the Habitat III summit in Quito in October 2016.
In 2018, he co-authored the manifesto For a happy and creative frugality in the planning of urban and rural territories.
Writer, he has published numerous books, articles and films on art, architecture, landscape, urbanism, architectural theory and pedagogy.
A long-time nomadic professor (Columbia University, ENSPaysage de Versailles, University of Montreal, Harvard University, Paris-Tolbiac, Grenoble, Rouen, Lyon, Technical University of Vienne), he has been a professor at ENSA Rennes since 2010, where he teaches "The invention of the Sustainable Territory."
Research director, he was and is engaged in research on architectural drawing in the School of Ponts et Chaussées in the 18th century, on the theory/pedagogy relationship in architecture, on environmental quality, on the architecture of indefinition, natural ventilation , etc. …



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