Information point of Donostia/San Sebastián 2016

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Juan Chacón. ZULOARK

Zuloark is an Open Office of Architecture and Urbanism founded in 2001. Since then, the office has worked on liquid and collaborative professional models, building shared responsibility environments in which to share the authorship of projects with as many agents as possible. It currently has an open office in Madrid, Berlin, Barcelona, ​​Mexico City and Brussels.

Zuloark's activity, working on different platforms such as El Campo de Cebada or Inteligencias Colectivas, has been internationally recognized with different awards, Golden Nica 2013, XII Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial Award, 2012 Ibero-American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial Award, Urbanism Award at the IV Arquia Próxima Awards, First Arquia Próxima 2012 Award and UN Best Practice at the 2014 Dubai International Award.

His work has been shown in different cultural institutions around the world, such as the MoMA in NewYork, the Akademie Der Kunste in Berlin, the Lisbon Architecture Triennial or in Matadero Madrid.




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