Located on the outskirts of New York this Pre-school and religious center designed by Scalar Architecture blends into the neighborhood with a correct choice of materials, and leaves its identity with its characteristic cover section.

The environment created by the team of Scalar Architecture will be the key point within the education system applied in Reggio. This environment, in the words of the architects, acts as a "third teacher". For the realization of the proposal, the architects choose to give continuity to the aesthetics of the neighborhood by a constructive method reinterpreted.

Photographs of the project come to us by Miguel de Guzman, who seems to have taken advantage of the latest New York snow to frame the project in a fantastic series of images that use the winter landscape to speak about the project.

Description of the project by Scalar Architecture

The pre-school is based on the Reggio pedagogical approach which fosters community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum. The environment as a whole becomes a “third teacher”.

To enhance pedagogical focus on active and exploratory space, we designed a series of focus
relations to the outdoors and more importantly, spatial variety as implemented by the fenestration and roof lines. As an example, the alternating height window envelope defines child and adult spaces as well as integrates the sectional shift of the program and topography.

A series of pedagogical legible passive energy and water harvesting methods, as well as a geothermal system, provide a sustainable structure. Moreover, the roofline – besides its enunciated role in the harvesting of solar energy and water – integrates a previously attached 1950 pitch roof structure.

The project is sited in a residential neighborhood with stringent regulations. The design co-opts the standard materials and methods and transforms their assemblage. This transformation is attained by engendering a series of geometric operations at different scales that provide a reiterative sequencing of folds and patterns. The result allows to profoundly heighten the registers of entry, environment, program, and perception from within these restrictions.

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Scalar Architecture (Julio Salcedo, Yetunde Ogunwumi, Megan Roy, Justin Tan, Adam Kuruc, Josh Carrelo-Mendez).
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Thomas D. Reilly P.E. (structures).
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5.500 sqm.
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Construction.- 2015.
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West Hills, New York, USA.
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Photography Fotografía
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Scalar Architecture is an award-winning international design firm based in New York City. As the term indicates, scalar Architecture operates at a variety of scales collaborating with allied key experts. The fruits of these collaborations are all embracing projects that garner accolades for their transformative solutions, such as the International First Prize for the development of Hamar, Norway, and the Lasso House, which won the Architectural League Young Architect’s Award. In all its ventures, scalar Architecture provides an expansive deployment of architecture and its registers of program, geometry, context, aesthetics, and form.

scalar’s residential experience includes dwellings and housing in Spain, Maine, and New York as well as large-scale sustainable developments in Guatemala and Costa Rica.  With expertise in hospitality and commercial projects, scalar’s work also includes hotels in Nicaragua and Honduras, and US restaurants Recess and Flurt.  Institutional projects include commissioned designs for the Woodstock Association Museum, the offices of the Dean at Cornell School of Architecture, and an ongoing 100,000 sqf medical building in New York.

scalar Architecture collaborates with multiple international partners, including Regional, a joint venture developing hotels in Central America.  Urban and landscape collaborations include the re-development of Hamar, and chosen entries for Build a Better Burb and Elemental Chile, as well as a large cross-programmed sustainable park in Madrid, Spain.

scalar Architecture’s Principal is Julio Salcedo, Licensed Arch. US / EU, LEEP AP.  Born in Madrid, Salcedo holds a B.A. in architecture and sculpture from Rice University and a Master of Architecture from Harvard University.  He has taught at Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Syracuse University, Cornell University, and currently at City College as an Associate Professor. In addition to the book Generic Specific Continuum, Salcedo has written numerous articles about the work of scalar Architecture.

Prior to launching his own office, Julio Salcedo worked for Pritzker prize winner Rafael Moneo. He also worked at SOM in New York as Senior Designer for the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle, and for Rick Cook of COOKFOX.  He has been a juror for international and national competitions, including AIA awards and the Kay e Sante nan Ayiti Housing Competition in Haiti.

The work of scalar Architecture has been exhibited at the Farnsworth Museum and has been widely published in both the US (Architectural Record, The Architect’s Newspaper, Interior Design, Princeton Architectural Press, Breath, House Beautiful) and abroad in Canada, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Spain, Thailand, Japan, and China.

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Miguel de Guzmán born in Rio de Janeiro in 1972. He is an architect (ETSAM. 1998) and also architectural photographer. He has been professor in the Graphic Ideation Department at CEU Architecture School and the Photography Department of Istituto Europeo di Design in Madrid. Since 2008 Imagen Subliminal is the broadcast platform through which he shows his work as photographer and videographer. As an Architect, he has been awarded with the Dionisio Hernadez Gil Prize for the Diocesan Priest House in Plasencia (work done together with Andres Jaque and Enrique Krahe), and was selected for the 2005 Spanish Architecture Bienal. As a Photographer he has been finalist in ABC Journal Art Awards 2000, El Mundo Photography awards 2001. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions (Circuitos de Arte Joven, Galeria Vírgenes, Photo España…). The book "Miguel de Guzmán Architectural Photography" contains a selection of photographs taken between the years 2003 and 2013, and which give example of a new way in the making of architectural photography.

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