Josep Miàs designed the school CEIP Annexa-Joan Puigbert, doing a renovation of the existing building and generating a new volume connecting them together. The project has an industrial character, in terms of materials and construction systems are concerned.

The project schedule increases the number of regular classrooms and specific classrooms, along with a multipurpose room and a gym.

Memory of Project by Josep Miàs

CEIP Annexa-Joan Puigbert is the name given to the school center which occupies in a building dating from the first half of the decade of the 50 T-shaped, with a master volume along the main street and a building perpendicular to it at a more or less center. The building is in a strange position topographically field has a slope very important because the land has a drop very important and it is in this slope in the sense of the same drop.

The building which to built the street was in use, contrary to the perpendicular building, which was in a situation of enormous deterioration, especially structural.

The program proposed by the Departament d’Ensenyament of the Generalitat of Catalunya was the broadening ordinary classroom  and specific classrooms with their corresponding services, a gym or multipurpose room.

The project proposes the demolition of the perpendicular volume so that you can give continuity to outer space, from the pine forest at its upper bound to the lower level courtyard. In this topography, and in its longitudinal section, it incorporates the polyvalent room space or gym. The coincidence of this space incorporated into the section of land, with the main core of access, stairway inside the building, to define and discover a new relationship between the space of the existing building, the new ludic and sportive space of the gym, and the same exterior courtyard. The existing staircase is left, then, suspended, freeing of the floor around her, without touching the around floors and it incorporate into a new vertical space, this one has continuity with the multipurpose room and own courtyard.

The program of the special classrooms allows to reorganize the proposal of the Departament d’Ensenyament, so that instead to incorporating conventional and special classrooms in the new building, the existing building reorganizes with all the conventional classrooms and  the new building in the special classrooms. This new building of special classroom, technology, library, computer, music and more.,is attached to the dividing neighbor wall and isn´t attached to the existing building to not deny their role and personality, connecting to this one in a puntual manner. The new volume will be the new entrance to the center, with stairs and elevators, also the natural entrance to the courtyard. This approach or proposal to access by this new building is reinforced by the existence of a small leafy square in the front, that it does the functions as an outdoor lobby of the school. The relocation of the access to this point, also facilitates the operation of the center mainly to drop off and pick up children.

It also allows this new building can function independently from the rest of the center and can provide night service or a more general service to the public.

Both buildings are designed from a clear metalic structural skeleton, which is coated with materials and construction systems industrials. Actually, the metal structure allows great speed of execution and the incorporation of industrial enclosures, prefabricated metal panels, both opaques as glazed, inside of their geometry.

In a way, we can talk about surgical intervention. Both in the volume of the multipurpose room, after trimming the existing building at the point of maximum engagement, that is, the main staircase, leaving it in the air; as in the building of special classrooms in its connection with the existing one.

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Project team
Adriana Porta (Project leader), Silvia Brandi, Josep Puigdemont, Fausto Raposo, Lluís A. Casanovas, Mario Blanco, Piera Doré, Cristina Cattina, Francisco Andreu (Technical architect).
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PROISOTEC.- JosepMasachs (Engineering), BOMA-Josep Ramón Solé (Structures).
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Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
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Promoter.- GISA.
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2300 m².
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2010 (Ending), 2008 (Construction), 2007 (Competition).
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Girona, Spain.
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5.000.000 €.
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Reshuffle and broadening of CEIP Annexa-Joan Puigbert.
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Winner of Premios Aplus en 2011, Best Educational Equipment Spain.
Finalist of Premios Arquitectura Comarques Girona in 2011.
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Josep Miàs, Architect COAC/ARB. 1992_ETSAB_UPC, Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona_Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

From 1990 till 2000 he worked as Associated Architect with Enric Miralles, developing the following projects Círculo de Lectores in Madrid, Sports Hall in Huesca, Centro de Alto Rendimiento in Alicante, Library in Palafolls, Parc dels Colors in Mollet del Vallès, Cemetery in Igualada, Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, DiagonalMarPark, Santa Caterina Market and GasNaturalBuilding in Barcelona. In 2000, Josep Miàs founded his own studio.

Among won architectural competitions, these are the most important first prizes: Girona Central Park Station, Banyoles Old City Refurbishment, Barceloneta Market, Rubí Market, Golf Fontanals de Cerdanya Clubhouse, Tibidabo Funicular Station and Herta Frankel Puppet Theatre in Barcelona, Girona Annexa-Puigbert Primary School, Plug-in Building 22@ in Barcelona, Torrebaró Apartment Building in Barcelona, San Bernardo Apartment Building in Madrid, Dakar Music Recording Centre and Village in Senegal, Palafolls Pedestrian Bridge, Miño Sil Water Confederation Headquarters in Ourense, Arenys Mental Health Centre and iGuzzini Barcelona Corporate Building.

Josep Miàs’ works have won several awards, some of them are: AJAC Best Young Architect Award 2004 for Golf Fontanals de Cerdanya, Special Mention Girona Architecture Award 2005 for Mollet single house, First Prize Girona Architecture Award 2007 for Banyoles Old City Refurbishment, City of Barcelona Architecture and Urbanism Award 2007 for Barceloneta Market, Catalonia Construction Award 2009 for Banyoles Old City Refurbishment, Architecture Aplus Award 2011 Best Educational Building in Spain for Annexa-Puigbert Primary School, Building of the Year 2011 Archdaily Award_Winner World Best Building of the Year, and WAF World Architecture Festival 2012 Shorlisted World Best Building of the Year both for iGuzzini Barcelona Corporate Building.

From 1992, he has developed teaching activities in Architecture Schools in Europe, America and USA: Design Department Professor at Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB_UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Design Department Professor at School of Architecture La Salle BCN, Director of the Design Department and Deputy Director at School of Architecture ESARQ_UIC_Universitat Internacional de Catalunya and Professor in UCL University College London_The Bartlett School of Architecture,UNISS Università di Sassari_Facoltà d’Architettura Alghero, Frankfurt Stadelschule and USA Harvard Graduate School of Design GSD.

He has been invited to read lectures and head up workshops in a large number of universities in Spain, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Switzerland, United States, Mexico, Uruguay, Brazil, Singapore and Panama among others.

His work, as well as his writings, have been published in international magazines and books, and his buildings have been exhibited in many exhibition halls as COAC_Barcelona, Arquería Nuevos Ministerios_Madrid, Cité de l’Architecture_Paris, Stadelschule_Frankfurt, Architektur Forum_Zurich, TU University_Berlin,House of the Architect_Kiev, Bartlett School of Architecture_London, 2012 Biennale di Venezia, and WAF 2012 Singapore.

Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Barcelona School of Architecture ETSAB_UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya_Barcelona, Visiting Professor in UNISS Università di Sassari_Facoltà d’Architettura Alghero andTeaching Fellow in UCL University College London_The Bartlett School of Architecture.

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