The 65th edition of the FAD Awards for Architecture and Interior Design has published the list of finalists and selected for this year 2023. The jury has made a selection of 35 finalists from among the 576 works submitted to the different categories of the awards.

ARQUIN-FAD, the FAD Interdisciplinary Association of Space Design and promoter of the awards, closed the call at the end of January: with 458 corresponding to the FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards, 36 to the International FAD Awards and 82 to the FAD of Thought and Criticism.
The finalist and selected works of this new edition can be seen from October 5, 2023, until January 7, 2024, within the framework of the exhibition "The Best Design of the Year" at the Disseny Hub, Barcelona. The winning projects in the different categories will be announced at a grand FAD Awards and Habitácola Awards ceremony that will take place on October 19, 2023.

This year, the jury has been made up of renowned professionals in the sector: the interior designer and industrial designer Francesc Rifé has chaired it, accompanied by Xavier Delgado, Carme Fiol, Uriel Fogué, Patrícia Santos Pedrosa and Jelena Prokopljević as members.

The professional jury of the International FAD Awards has been made up of the architect Joan Roig as president and the members Olga Felip and José Zabala. They have chosen six finalist projects and six selected projects, with works in Taiwan, Peru, Italy, France, and the United States, among other countries.

The jury of the FAD Thought and Criticism Awards, made up this year by the architect Anna Martínez Duran as president and the vocals Rafael Gómez-Moriana and Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco, has chosen a total of seven finalist works and six selected from among the 82 works presented.

- Finalists FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards

The jury highlights the large number of projects that explore and innovate the housing program, as well as the notable diversity and experimentation in typologies, construction systems, and materials, thinking architecture from within to accommodate the diverse and changing ways of living.

Architecture Category.-

Interior Design Category.-

Urban and Landscape Category.-

Ephemeral Interventions Category.-

19. Instal·lació efímera «Tívoli» (Gerona). Josep Ferrando Arquitecture.
20. TWIST (Madrid). Studio Animal.
21. Arca (Barcelona). takk.
22. Niu de Foc (Gerona). Bayona Studio.

- International FAD Awards Finalists

- Finalists FAD Thought and Criticism Awards

In the selection of proposals, urgent issues such as the role of architecture in social justice, the climate emergency, and access to housing have been valued, which shows a growing social and environmental commitment of the discipline. They allow us to propose alternatives to the hegemony of the urbanizing industrial estate.
1. "Regional Bureaucracy". Guillermo Fernández-Abascal (GFA2) and Hamish McIntosh.
2. "Las arquitecturas del fin del mundo".  Uriel Fogué.
3. "Colónias Agrícolas". Filipa de Castro Guerreiro.
4. "Arquitectura do Bacalhau e Outras Espécies". André Tavares, Diego Inglez de Souza.
5. "Amaneceres domésticos. Temas de vivienda colectiva en la Europa del siglo XXI". Carmen Espegel, Andrés Cánovas and José María de Lapuerta.
6. "Después de todo, la ciudad / The city, after all". Podcast series. Enrique Encabo Seguí and Inmaculada Esteban Maluenda.
7. "España fea. el caos urbano, el mayor fracaso de la democracia". Andrés Rubio.

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January, 2023 - June, 2023. Winners.- 19th October 2023.
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Disseny HUB Barcelona, Spain.
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Adrià Goula, José Hevia, Luis Díaz Díaz, Atzar Vilanova, Jesús Granada, Francisco Ascensão, Simone Marcolin, Eugeni Pons, Borja Ballbé, AA.VV., Pol Solé, Lala Osman, Ariadna Castells, Xevi Bayona, Jaume Picart, MICHELE&MIQUEL, LU Yu-Jui, Eleazar Cuadros, Paolo Fassoli, Marcela Grassi, Giaime Meloni, Timothy Hursley, Joan Guillamat.
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Harquitectes is a team of architects which include David Llorente (ETSAV-UPC, 2000), Xavier Ros (ETSAV-UPC, 1998), Josep Ricart (ETSAV-UPC, 1999) and Roger Tudó (ETSAV-UPC, 1999). They combine professional practice and university teaching in national schools. Their work has been exhibited in many expositions and lectures both in Spain and abroad.


2018.- Premio ‘Detail Prize 2018’
2018.- Premio ‘XII Premios NAN’
2018.- Premiado en la ‘XIV BEAU’ Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2018.- ‘Premio Ciudad de Barcelona 2017’
2018.- Premio ex aequo de ‘Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIV’
2017.- Premio ‘Mapei a la edificación sostenible’
2017.- Premio ‘BB Construmat 2017’
2017.- Premio AD 2017 Architects of the year
2016.- Premio ‘Mostra Arquitectura Vallès’
2016.- Premio ‘Wienerberger Brick Award 2016’.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘X BIAU’ Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘XIII BEAU’ Biennal Espanyola d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme.
2016.- Premio de Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIII Edició.
2016.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2016.
2015.- 1r ‘Premio Ugo Rivolta’ 2015.
2015.- Premio FAD de la opinión 2015.
2015.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2015.
2014.- Premio ‘Archmarathon’ 2014.
2014.- Premio de Arquitectura de Cerámica ‘Fritz Höger Preis’ categoría de vivienda Winner Gold
2013.- 1er ‘Premio A+’ al Mejor Proyecto de Arquitectura Sostenible.
2013.- ‘Premio A+ Extraordinario al Estudio Joven más Prometedor’
2012.-  Sacyr Innovación Award for ICTA-ICP Building 1102.
2012.- AJAC 2012 Award for university dwellings in Sant Cugat dle Vallès.
2012.- Hise 2012 excelencia a la innovación Award, for 712 house.
2012.- FAD 2012 Award, 712 house.
2011.- ENOR Arquitectura Joven Award for 704 Gimnasium.

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María Langarita (1979) is architect graduate from Universidad de Navarra, awarded with the Premio Nacional Fin de Carrera. She has been associate lecturer at the Architectural Projects Departament, at the Universidad de Navarra and at the ETSA Madrid, and as lecturer at the ETSAZ, Zaragoza, Spain. Víctor Navarro (1979) is architect graduate from the ETSA Madrid, he actually works as lecturer in Architectural Projects at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. They are both now developing their doctorate thesis. At the same time, Víctor Navarro together with Roberto González are co-founders of Urgente, defined as an aperiodic publication for the dissemination of documents that may be of current interest.

They work together since 2005. They have been prize winners in several competitions, among which the following could be highlighted: the renovation of the Nave 15 at Matadero Madrid to become the Red Bull Music Academy 2011, second prize at the international competition for the ARCO Actual Art Center in Madrid, first prize at the Intermediae/Prado international competition in Madrid, in an advanced stage of construction nowadays, and their work has been selected to be exhibited in different places and events like the XI BEAU Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Bienale (Comillas, Madrid, 2011), YAP Space Maxxi Roma (2011), XI Bienale Venezia (2008), FreshForward in Madrid (2007), 44 International Young Architects (travelling exhibition, Barcelona, 2007), and at the RojoMáquina Gallery, Madrid (2007). They also have been invited to a number of conferences and workshops, and they also have been jury in the Santo Domingo Bienale.


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SUMA arquitectura is an international studio based in Madrid, founded and led by Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano in 2005. It is formed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals who participate in the design process: architects, engineers, agronomists, landscape architects, experts in sustainability, architectural communication, sociologists, etc. They produces singular architectures that challenge the limits of traditional architecture.

Elena Orte and Guillermo Sevillano are rchitects graduated from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM), Master in Advanced Architectural Design from the same school and from Columbia University in New York, respectively. They are currently professors at the Escuela Politécnica ETSA in Madrid and at the IAAC in Barcelona. They has participated in different exhibitions (IFEMA Madrid Fair, Matadero, EMVS, Fresh Madrid) and conferences in New York, Beijing, Austria, Turkey, Australia, Luxembourg, Latvia.

They has won several national and international competitions including the Gabriel García Márquez Library in Barcelona, the Library and Multipurpose Center of Fuerteventura (both called by municipalities), 91 public housing units in San Francisco Javier and 73 public housing units in San Sebastián de los Reyes (both for the municipal housing and land company of Madrid). They have also been selected and awarded prizes in competitions such as the Helsinki Central Library and the Verín Arts Center in Galicia. Also they has exhibitions (IFEMA Madrid Fair, Matadero, EMVS, Fresh Madrid) and conferences in New York, Beijing, Austria, Turkey, Australia, Luxembourg, Latvia. Recently, the Gabriel García Márquez Library received the NAN award for best equipment/large infrastructure.
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Andrés Jaque, holds a Ph.D. in architecture. He is the founder of the Office for Political Innovation and the Dean of the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University, New York.

In 2014 he received the Silver Lion at the 14th Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, Biennale di Venezia.

He is the author of award-winning projects such as Plasencia Clergy House (Dionisio Hernández Gil Prize), House in Never Never Land (Mies Van der Rohe European Union Award's finalist), TUPPER HOME (X Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo), or ESCARAVOX (COAM Award 2013). He has also developed architectural performances as well as installations that question political frameworks through architectural practice; including IKEA Disobedients (MoMA Collection, 2011); PHANTOM. Mies as Rendered Society (Mies Barcelona Pavilion, 2012) or Superpowers of Ten (Lisbon Triennale, 2014).

Andrés Jaque is a Professor of Advanced Design at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation (GSAPP) and Visiting Professor at Princeton University's School of Architecture.

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Fabrizio Barozzi born in Rovereto (Italy) in 1976. He currently lives and works in Barcelona.He graduated as an architect in 2003 by the University Institute of Architecture in Venezia. He completed his training in 1999 at the School of Architecture of Seville in 2001 while living in Paris.

He began his training partner in 2003 working as the office of William Vázquez Consuegra and later in 2004 is associated with Alberto Veiga and establish their own professional studio.

He has been Professor of Projects at International University of Catalonia in Barcelona from 2007 to 2009 and since 2009 is Associate Professor of Projects at the University of Girona.

Alberto Veiga (Santiago de Compostela, Spain), was born in 1973 and studied architecture at the School of Architecture of Navarre. After graduating, he worked as an assistant and planner in Patxi Mangado practices in 1997-2001. From 2001-03, he worked as a designer of Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, where he worked on a number of projects awarded. In 2004 he settled in EBV Architects with Fabrizio Barozzi. Projects currently teaches 3rd year at UIC.

EBV Architects is an architectural firm located in Barcelona and founded by Fabrizio Barozzi (Trento, Italy, 1976) and Alberto Veiga (Santiago, Spain, 1973) devoted to architecture, urbanism and interior design. The experience accumulated over the years in collaboration with renowned architects has allowed prestige EBV start a professional career where independent research plays a major role. The study EBV and has been awarded with many awards nationally and internationally.

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Takk (Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño) is a space for architectural production focused on the development of experimental and speculative material practices in the intersection between nature and culture in the contemporary framework, with a special attention on the overcoming of anthropocentrism on its different ways (political, ecological, cultural, ​on gender...), and also on the definition of new notions of beauty through the articulation of the difference by assembling a multiplicity of materials from different origins and conditions, paying attention both to their physical properties and to their symbolic associations.

Mireia Luzárraga (Madrid, 1981) and Alejandro Muiño (Barcelona, 1982) are architects since 2008 graduated with honours for Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM-UPM) and Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés (ETSAV-UPC) respectively and M.Arch. Architects for Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (ESARQ-UIC).

Their work has been awarded and distinguished in several national and international competitions. Some of them are: Fad Award on Architecture 2011 for the Project The walls Are Coming Down (2011) on the Ephemeral Interventions Group, Fad Award on Architecture Shortlisted for the Project Dreamhouse (2013), and they have been catalogued on the two last editions of the Arquia Próxima Award for architects under 40 in Spain. Besides, Takk has been awarded with the first Price for the built projects Paradís (2012) and Dreamhouse (2013), has won an Honourable Mention in the 1st Award on Social Architecture of the Konecta Foundation 2012 for the project Suitcase House, and has been invited to participate on the Open Innovation Platform in the Spanish Pavilion on the XIII International Exhibition of the Venice Biennale in 2012. Their work has been distinguised in national and international platforms such as Europan or Pasajes-iGuzzini and it has been published in magazines such as OnDiseño, D+A, Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, AV Proyectos, Arquitectura COAM or Arquine among others. They have been exhibited at the Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB), the International Art Fair ARCOmadrid, the Cultural Center las Cigarreras at Alicante, and the FAD (Fomento del Arte y del Diseño).

Additionally to this profesional practice, Takk is developing a framework in the field of research and teaching. Mireia Luzárraga and Alejandro Muiño are teachers in the Projects Department of the Universidad de Alicante (UA), on the Instituto Europeo di Design in Madrid (IED Madrid), and Master Tutors in the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona(IAAC). They have also participated as teachers in different workshops and summer schools and have explained their work in several lectures internationally.

At the present time, Mireia and Alejandro combine their profesional and teaching labour with the development of their respective PhD Thesis on the politics of ornament and self sufficient micro-communities. They have been granted for them with the scholarship “Junior Faculty – La Caixa”.
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Jorge Vidal Tomás architect, graduated from ‘Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona’ (ETSAB) in 2005.  He studied at the Academy of Architecture Mendrisio in 2004. During that time, he worked with Peter Zumthor Atelier and Valerio Olgiati Atelier.  Furthermore, he studied in Greece with Ella Zenghelis thanks to a scholarship awarded to him by the Mies Van der Rohe Foundation.  He is, at present, preparing his Ph.D. at ETSAB.

He is a professor of Studio Projects at ETSAB and director of the series of lectures known as Foros ESARQ at the Universidad Internacional de Cataluña.  He has taught as a guest speaker at many schools of architecture.  In addition to his academic commitments, he lectures extensively all over Spain and also abroad.  He writes regularly about architecture.

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Paloma Hernaiz and Jaime Oliver direct OHLAB, an office devoted to urban analysis and cultural research of contemporary society through design, architectural practice and urban strategy. Prior establishing OHLAB in Madrid they gained 9 years of professional experience in New York, Shanghai and Beijing collaborating in prestigious architectural offices such as OMA / Rem Koolhaas.

They received their diploma in Architecture from the ETSAM in Madrid (Paloma), ETSAB in Barcelona (Jaime) and they both hold a postgraduate degree (MSAAD) from Columbia University in New York. Paloma and Jaime are coordinating teachers at IED Design Degree in Madrid, they taught at “La Gran Escala” Master from UPC in Barcelona and have been critics at different design juries at Princeton and Columbia University in New York and at Universidad Europea in Madrid. They have given lectures about their work in various institutions such as Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Universidad Europea de Madrid, or Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

In 2010 opened the first exhibition about OHLAB’s work at Magnus Müller Gallery, Berlin and subsequently at the Architecture Museum of Moscow. The exhibition was curated by Tina diCarlo, former curator of architecture and design at the New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

OHLAB has been nominated for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award 2011 (European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture), has been cataloged for the Arquia Proxima 2010/2011 prize (Fundación Caja de Arquitectos) and was finalist inthe 2010 Saloni Architecture Awards. Recently, OHLAB has also been selected as Finalist for the INTERIOR DESIGN 2012 Best of the Year Awards in New York City.

Paloma Hernaiz received her diploma in Architecture from the ETSAM in Madrid and Master of Science in Adv. Arch. Design degree from Columbia University in New York. Following her diploma she worked in the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in London pursuing historical research.

Prior establishing her own office she gained 9 years of professional experience in architectural offices of different countries where she had the opportunity of pursuing projects of very different scales and requirements. In Madrid she collaborated with Estudio Lamela / Richard Rogers Partnership; in New York she was working with G-tects where she collaborated with the office of Frank O. Gehry; in China she worked in Shanghai and Beijing at the Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA).

Jaime Oliver received his diploma in Architecture from the ETSAB in Barcelona (Final Thesis with Honors) and Master of Science in Adv. Arch. Design degree from Columbia University in New York. He studied for a year at the Institut Supérieur d'Architecture CF in Brussels with an Erasmus Grant and he received "La Caixa" Scholarship awarding him a full grant to the Columbia University Postgraduate Program.

Prior establishing his own office he gained 9 years of professional experience in architectural offices of different countries where he had the opportunity of pursuing projects of very different scales and requirements. In New York he collaborated with the offices of DNA and Hariri & Hariri; In China he worked in Shanghai and Beijing at the Office of Metropolitan Architecture (OMA). He is a PhD candidate at the ETSAB (DEA and pre-thesis approved).

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Pineda Monedero is an architectural firm based in Barcelona founded by Àlex Pineda and Antón Monedero. It is a young studio with a long experience at an individual level, both nationally and internationally.

Context, containment and contrast are repeated in their creative process. They approach the design of commissions as objects defined in relation to their environment. Each project is based on constant exploration and the search for an optimized result.
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Carles Enrich (Barcelona, 1980) graduated at the ETSAB in Barcelona in 2005. From the beginning of his career he has combined his professional work with research, and obtained a Master degree in Theory and Practice of Architectural Projects from the UPC where he is currently a PhD Candidate. His thesis deals with the temporary occupations in the public space in Barcelona.

Associate lecturer in Projects at the ETSAB since 2016. From 2008 to 2017, he taught Projects and Urban Design at the Reus School of Architecture and, in 2015, Projects at the ETSAV. He was also visiting professor in the Extra-Local workshop organised by Columbia GSAPP in 2019, has collaborated on international master’s degrees such as the BIARCH in 2012 and the master’s degree in Restoration at the UPC in 2014, and directed the Vertical Workshop at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture in 2018.

Carles Enrich’s aim of producing practice-based knowledge led him in 2013 to set up Carles Enrich Studio, where he develops projects that cover the entire habitable territory, from the domestic sphere to landscape. The quality and rigour of the practice’s built work are endorsed by consecutive nominations for the European Union Mies Award (2017, 2019) and the Lisbon Triennale Début Award 2016; the Spanish Architecture and Urban Design Biennale Awards in 2016 and 2018, the FAD Opinion Prize in 2016, and the AJAC Awards in 2012, 2016 and 2018. They were also recognised in the studio’s participation in the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2012, with the exhibition Context in “Architectural Rowers” in the Catalan Pavilion and, in 2016, as part of the exhibition Unfinished, which earned the Spanish Pavilion the Biennale’s Golden Lion.

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CREUSeCARRASCO is an architecture studio based in A Coruña founded in 1994 by Juan Creus (Cée, 1966), doctor of architecture and tenured professor of projects at the ETSA of A Coruña, and Covadonga Carrasco (Ribadeo, 1965).

In 2021 they have been Mentioned by the CSCAE Spanish Architecture Award and the Galician Architecture Award for the Social Center in Cornido. Also Second Prize for the Juana de Vega Architecture Award for Casa Elías in Corcubión and, with a project about the Cans Festival, they participated again in the Venice Architecture Biennale with the Spanish Pavilion. They are creators of the recent MUV, Art Center of the María José Jove Foundation, the first 100% virtual museum in Spain. In 2016 they received the Galician Architecture Award and the BEAU Award (both for Casa Chao in Corcubión), also participating (with Remodeling of the Port of Malpica) in the Venice Architecture Biennale with the Spanish Pavilion, winner of the Golden Lion They have been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award (2015 - Casa Chao) and won the Ar+d Emerging Architecture Award, granted by Architectural Review and the RIBA (2011 - Malpica). They were also Special Mention at the FAD Awards (2014 - Casa Chao) and Special Mention of the Jury at the BEAU (2011 - Malpica). They have won the ENOR Galicia Award (2007 – Lonja de Fisterra), COAG de Obra Nova (2011 – Casa Mercedes in A Coruña), Espazo Público (2011 - Malpica and 2000 – Plaza in Lugo) and Rehabilitation (2002 – Fundación Luís Seoane) , as well as the Juana de Vega Architecture Award (2018 – Casa C, 2015 – Casa Chao and 2013 – Casa en Redonda). In 2007 they were the participating Galician studio in the V Encontros Internacionais de Arquitectura. There are different monographic publications on his work, such as the books 1+1 (Uzina), Architecture 2000-2012 (TC), Remodeling of the Port of Malpica (OYS), Lonxa de Fisterra (Atlante) and Fundación Luis Seoane (Concello da Coruña).

Juan Creus is the creator and co-director of the magazine O monografías and author of books such as A Terra das Mil Belezas, Terra o Viaxe á Fin da Terra (also with Covadonga Carrasco), both collaborate in different magazines and forums related to the territory and the architecture. From his studio they publish the magazine RESINA. With his interventions they intend to reinvent the nearby landscape as a generic form.
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Josep Ferrando Bramona is an architect based in Barcelona and director of the Josep Ferrando Architecture office. He has combined design, construction and teaching since the beginning of his career as an architect.

Since 1998 he has been a professor of projects in schools such as ETSAB (Department of Architectural Projects, Housing and City Course, City of Barcelona Award 2016 with the research "Arquitectos de Cabecera“), Torcuato di Tella University of Buenos Aires, Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura La Salle (ETSALS), the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the Hochschule für Technik Zürich (HSZT), the Escola de disseny i art Sina and the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) of Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro where he is Director of Master Space Design Methdology. He has also been invited to prestigious international schools, where he has directed workshops and semesters.

In 2014 he participated with the exhibition "In progress Matter & Light" at the 14th Architecture Biennial of the prestigious Architekturforum Redes de Berlin Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago de Chile and the Biennial International Architecture of Buenos Aires. In 2016, with his work "casa entre medianeras", he was part of the "Unfinished" exhibition of the Spanish pavilion of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennial awarded with the Golden Lion of the exhibition. In the cultural field he has participated in numerous juries, among which stand out the FAD 2018 and the XI BIAU Awards, and since 2018 he has headed the Vocalía de Cultura of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, at which time he was awarded the National Culture Prize.

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Studio Animal is a design studio based in Barcelona and Madrid specializing in interior design projects and ephemeral architecture. It is directed by Javier Jiménez Iniesta, who received his architecture degree from the School of Architecture of Alicante, graduating with Honors in 2007. He combines his professional activity with teaching and academic research. Currently he is professor at the Master´s program of Interior Design at the European Institute of Design and the School of Design Elisava.

Studio Animal deals with the development of proposals related to ultra-contemporary thinking and its relationship to the environment in which we live in. The redefinition of spaces and atmospheres inhabited by the contemporary subject, is the backbone of their work; in pursuit of a super-optimistic future for the potential inhabitants of their architectural designs. Studio Animal moves from the small scale of industrial design to the planning and development of a brand´s image and the integral design of spatial proposals; progressively specializing in the design of all types of interior spaces and offering custom designed projects to each client, always under an architectural approach.

The work of Studio Animal has been cataloged in the last two editions of biannual Arquia Próxima Awards. They have also been awarded several national and international awards, such as the Pasajes-Iguzzini Prize, the FAD Awards of Architecture and Interiorism (finalist and shortlisted), the ADG Laus Awards (bronze in Spatial Design) and the International Media Award in China (Winner). Their work has appeared in various specialized publications such as OnDiseño, Detail, Proyecto Contract, Diseño Interior or Pasaje de Arquitectura y Crítica.
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Xevi Bayona. He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Olot. He also studies architecture in Barcelona and Portugal, at the FAUP, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto. Architect from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). Postgraduate Degree in Landscaping at the (ETSAB) and Master in Theory and Practice of the Architectural Design at the (ETSAB).

Since 2008 he has been a professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Girona and since 2018Professor at Elisava’s international master’s degree in ephemeral architecture. Winner of several awards, including three FAD awards, several finalists and selected projects, and winner of awards and mentions of the architecture of the Counties of Gerona. Since 2017 he collaborates with Àlex Posada, MID Studio. He has designed civil works such as the Renovation of the State Bridge of Tortosa over the river Ebro, the renovation of the sports area of ​​Sant Jaume de Llierca or the Olot Fair, as well as works of housing architecture. He has given lectures, and workshops and made ephemeral interventions in various European cities. He has been the Artistic Director of the Fire and Light Festival, Lluèrnia d’Olot, since its inception.

Bayona Studio is a workshop and studio in the centre of the city of Olot, working with experimentation and essay as a method, criticism as learning, emotions as a tool, interpretation and respect for the environment social, physical and cultural, enthusiasm and intense research as fuel. All at the crossroads of architecture, town planning, art, landscape, ephemeral installations and light sculptures, a mixture of disciplines that feedback and complement each other.
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André Tavares (Porto, 1976) is an architect, researcher at the School of Architecture at the University of Minho, and programmer of architecture at Garagem Sul in the Centro Cultural de Belém. He has been running Dafne Editora since 2006, exploring publishing as a form of cultural and architectural practice. and was director of the journal Arquitectos between 2013 and 2015 and general curator, with Diogo Seixas Lopes, of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2016, The Form of Form. He is the author of several books, including The Anatomy of the Architectural Book (Lars Müller/Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2016).

He holds a doctorate from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, where in 2009 he completed his dissertation on the presence of reinforced concrete in architects’ design strategies in the early 20th century.

Resulting from his research in Mendrisio, Paris and São Paulo, he has published several books addressing the international circulation of knowledge among Portuguese-speaking architects, including Arquitectura Antituberculose (Faup-publicações, 2005), Os fantasmas de Serralves (Dafne, 2007), Novela Bufa do Ufanismo em Concreto (Dafne, 2009), and Duas obras de Januário Godinho (Dafne, 2012). He co-edited Mark Wigley’s Casa da Música/Porto (CdM, 2008) and Eduardo Souto de Moura’s Floating Images (Lars Müller, 2012).
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Michèle & Miquel is an architecture urbanism and landscape atelier, based in Barcelona, Spain and Toulouse, Francia. It was founded in 1996 by Michèle Orliac and Miquel Batlle.

The team take part in the development of public spaces, urban facilities, strategic points, urban peculiar situations…etc. The philosophy of their work lies in the relationship between the city, architecture and nature, urban planning and landscape architecture and the articulation of different scales: from territorial scale to detail.

Throughout the professional life of the study, many projects have been developed in different topics such as Public spaces and urban facilities (Hortus wineries in Valflaunes, Wallon Marcadau refuge in the National Park of Pyrenees, or the canopies in Vieux Boucau); Director plan of public spaces (Director plan beach in VIEUX BOUCAU in the Atlantic Ocean).

Many projects have been recognized in national and international awards including:

By The Dark Line: AFEX Award 2023 (FR), BEAU XVI Award (ESP), Landezine International Landscape Award 2023, Arquin fad 2023 (ESP), IFLA ASIA PAC Excellence Award 2023, Architettura LOVERS il Premio 2023 (ITA), INT. design Grand Prix du Design paysage & territoires 2023, (CAN), WLA Merit Award Winner 2023, Taiwan Environment Lighting 2023, Building of the Year METALOCUS 2023 (ESP).
Award, The 7th Taiwan Landscape 2019.
First prize in the FAD 2017 award. International category with the project Le Jardin NIEL in TOULOUSE, France.
Selected in the international Mies van der Rohe 2017 award with the project Winery in Montpellier, France.
First prize in the FAD 2011 award, landscape and city category, with de project Aigües Park in Figueres, Spain.
First prize in the Trophées de l’aménagement Urbain award three times: at Pams Port Street in Vendres, France; at the ARLES SUR TECH square, France; and at the fairground in Treffort, France.
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Betsaida Curto Reyes is an architect and co-founder of the non-profit organization Community Beyond Construction. Its mission is to improve access to education by building safe and well-designed schools and learning spaces.

Community Beyond Construction works with local communities, governments, and international actors working in remote areas to help design and build schools in resource-poor environments. Ultimately, CBC aims to help provide better access to well-designed learning spaces for communities that have little or no school infrastructure. 

Their way of working is centered on their team's core values, experience, and expertise in anthropology, architecture, engineering, and construction. They design and build schools together with the community and invest time in truly understanding local needs. CBC's activities include ethnographic research; design workshops; architectural and engineering design; project development; construction management and skills training.
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Ander Bados Sesma (Bilbao, 1991) is the co-founder of the architecture firm AMAO estudio, which won the Arquia prize at the VII Festival of 2020. He obtained his degree in architecture from ETSA in Coruña and FAUP in Porto in 2016. He worked in Portugal and Peru between 2016 and 2020 to return to Bilbao and found his professional studio in 2020.
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Miralles Tagliabue EMBT is an international acknowledged architecture studio formed by Enric Miralles (1955-2000) and Benedetta Tagliabue in 1994.

The studio has experience in public spaces and buildings in both Europe and China working for State and Local Governments as well as Corporate and private clients.

EMBT’s mature approach to architecture, interior design, facility planning includes experience with educational, commercial, industrial and residential buildings, restoration of buildings as well as special purpose landscape architecture.

Each project evolves from the specific client requirements and innovation emerges through the design process. This approach is combined with strong technical and management skills to provide cost effective and personal service.

The studio maintains a highly personal level of service throughout the design process and offer strong technical and structural solutions through close collaboration with engineering offices.

The majority of the EMBT projects are commissioned by public clients with special emphasis on urban space and the coherence between the built environment and the public space. Each project brings with it a new client and special cost constraints. To achieve the desired solution, EMBT believe that the design process must be a collaborative effort between the client and the designer.

EMBT ensures that clients take an active role in defining their needs, bringing client and solution together, and is backed by a support team with a capability of responding rapidly to projects demands.

The studio put great emphasis on each individual projects context, history and culture and aims to enhance these aspects through their unique design process.

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Benedetta Tagliabue was born in Milan (June 24, 1963) and graduated from the University of Venice in 1989. In 1991 she joined Enric Miralles’ studio eventually becoming a partner. Her work with Miralles, whom she married, includes several high-profile buildings and projects in Barcelona: Parque Diagonal Mar (1997-2002), Head Office Gas Natural (1999-2006) and the Market and Quarter Santa Caterina (1996-2005), as well as projects across Europe, including the School of Music in Hamburg (1997-2000) and the City Hall in Utrecht (1996-2000).

In 1998 the partnership won the competition to design the new Scottish Parliament building. Despite Miralles’ premature death in 2000, Tagliabue took leadership of the team as joint Project Director and the Parliament was completed in 2004, winning several awards.

She won the competition for the new design of Hafencity Harbor in Hamburg, Germany, a subway train station in Naples, and the Spanish Pavilion for Expo Shanghai 2010 among others.

Today under the direction of Benedetta Tagliabue the Miralles-Tagliabue-EMBT studio works with architectural projects, open spaces, urbanism, rehabilitation and exhibitions, trying to conserve the spirit of the Spanish and Italian artisan architectural studio tradition which espouses collaboration rather than specialization.

Their architectural philosophy is dedicating special attention to context.

Benedetta has written for several architectural magazines and has taught at, amongst other places, the University of Architecture ETSAB in Barcelona. She has lectured at many international architectural Forums as, for example, the RIBA, the Architectural Association and Bartlett School in, London, the Berlage Institut in Amsterdam, and in the USA, China and South America.

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Amann, Cánovas, Maruri, architecture firm established by: Atxu Amann Alcocer, Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz and Nicolás Maruri Mendoza.

Atxu Amann Alcocer. Madrid 1961. Architect by the ETSA of Madrid. Doctorate from ETSAM with outstanding Cum Llaude, 2007. Urban Planning Technician from the Urban Studies Center of I.E.A.L. (M.A.P.) Scholar of the Technische Hoschule of Darmstadt (Germany) in CAAD. Director of the magazine Arquitectos. Director of the Postgraduate courses in Editorial Design for the European Social Fund. Professor in the postgraduate courses of Editorial Graphic Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Madrid. Professor of the Department of Architectural Graphic Ideation of ETSAM

Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz. Cartagena 1958. Architect by the School of Architecture of Madrid. Prometheus Scholarship at Tecniche Hoschule. Darmstatd. Germany. Director of the "Monographs of Architects" Collection. Director of the "Monographs of Buildings" Collection, Director of the "Crítica de Arquitectura" Collection, Director and editor of the magazine Arquitectos, 1987-2006, Professor of the CSDM of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University, European Design Institute, Coordinator of several postgraduate courses in Graphic Design Editorial in the Faculty of Fine Arts, the European Institute of Design and the European Social Fund. Faculty of Fine Arts, UCM, Professor of the Master of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts of the Autonomous University, Professor of Design Master of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Salamanca, Professor of the Master of Intervention in the Heritage of the ETSAM Professor of the Tourism Master of the UPC of Barcelona.

He has been secretary of the Final Project Project Tribunal at ESTAM. UPM. Deputy Director of the Spanish Architecture Biennial. Director of the Summer Course at the University of Almería. Visiting Professor at the Universities of Salamanca, San Sebastián, La Coruña, Seville, Navarra, Valencia, Polytechnic of Cartagena, SEK of Segovia, Alfonso X, Advanced Architecture Institute of Barcelona, ​​Polytechnic University of Catalonia, London AA, Montpellier, Rome Tre , Calgliari, Toulouse, Javeriana from Bogotá, Chicago IIT and Arizona CAPLA. He is a professor of Projects of the ETSAM Academic Coordinator of the MCH of the ETSAM. UPM and Director of the Projects area. Professor of the subject "Sociology of Housing".

Nicolás Maruri Mendoza. Madrid 1961. Architect by the School of Architecture of Madrid. Doctorate from ETSAM with outstanding Cum Llaude, 2007. Prometheus Scholarship at Tecniche Hoschule Darmstatd. Germany. Master's Degree in Building from Columbia University. NY. He is a professor in the Projects Department of ETSAM. He has been: Secretary of the Court of the ETSAM End-of-Degree Project and Visiting Professor at the University of Arizona. He has given conferences in London AA, San Sebastian, SEK of Segovia.

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DL+A is an architectural office directed by José María de Lapuerta and Paloma Campo with a 25-years long career in professional practice of architecture, engineering and interior design also related to research and teaching. Our regular team gets completed by usual collaborations with engineering firms such as OVE ARUP, Úrculo Engineering, Valladares Engineering, Gogaite, Calconsa, etc.

Our works have been recognised with the most outstanding awards and, most of them, have been published in prestigious professional magazines: Two works selected in different Spanish Architecture Biennials, Madrid City Council Awards, Finalists in FAD Awards, Two prizes in EUROPAN competition, three works awarded by Offitial order of Architects of Madrid. It should be highlighted as well the obtaining of LEED Gold Certification for sustainable building for the first time in Spain in Coca-Cola Headquarters. Currently developing the projecto of the first school building in Spain with Passivhaus certificate, and near to Zero consumption building that wont have connextion to electrical supply company.
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Carmen Espegel is a Professor of Architectural Projects at the School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSAM-UPM). Her research focuses mainly on housing, women in architecture, and architectural criticism. She directs the Collective Housing Research Group GIVCO.

At the academic level, she has taught in Italy, the United States, Belgium, Holland, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She was Deputy Director of International Relations at the ETSAM between 2005 and 2008. Her critical thinking is reflected in books, including Carmen Espegel. Textos Críticos (2022), Atlas de los Poblados Dirigidos (2021), Donne Architetto nel Movimento Moderno (2021), Women Architects in the Modern Movement (2018), Aires Modernos, E.1027: Maison en bord de mer de Eileen Gray y Jean Badovici (2010) and Heroínas del espacio (2008).
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elii is an architecture office founded in 2006, and based in  Madrid centre, by Uriel Fogué HerrerosEva Gil Lopesino, and Carlos Palacios Rodríguez. Its founding partners and current directors of the office are the architects founded elii, after collaborating in several prestigious international studios. At present, the three combine the professional practice developed in elii with the teacher (in different Universities of the Spanish and international scope) and with the publisher (UHF magazine).

Their work and articles have appeared in specialized publications and exhibitions, having obtained recognition and awards for outstanding performance, amongst which are the FAD Opinion Award (2005), or the awards received from the Official College of Architects of Madrid “a la Obra Bien Hecha”(2006) and “a la Obra de los Arquitectos” (2011). They have been amongst those selected to appear in the “Arquia Próxima” catalogue (also issued by the Official College of Architects of Madrid) in its 2006-2007, 2008-2009, 2010-2011 issues, having been recognized in this last one as one of the 10 most relevant teams of young architects in the region. They have also taken part in the “Madrid 100% Arquitectura II” (2011), catalogue and Itinerant International Exhibition, where one of their works was considered one of the top 100 by the Official College of Architects of Madrid. They were also similarly distinguished in the XII Buenos Aires International Biennial Architecture Exhibition (2011). Elii is a member of the “Creadores de Madrid” and “FreshMadrid” archives.
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peris+toral.arquitectes. Founded in 2005 by Marta Peris and Jose Manuel Toral, both graduated from ETSAB, peris+toral.arquitectes is an architecture practice based in Barcelona, which combines its professional activity with the academic one. They are currently working on different projects, both in housing and public space, while working as teachers in the  Faculty of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB) and IED.

Their work has been published in architecture books and magazines, nationally and internationally, and exhibited in UIA Tokyo 2011, París 2009 and the Venice Biennal 2000. Theoretically, the practice has published articles in architecture books and magazines, including Arquitectura COAM,  Ed. Fundamentos and  DC Papers are to highlight. Their work has been recognized with awards such as AJAC Joves Arquitectes 2011, FAD 2009 award finalists,  and Saloni d’Arquitect award finalists.

finalists2024  Winner RIBA International Prize
2024  Winner RIBA International Awards for Excellence
2024  Winner Global Galvanizing Award 
2024  Winner Construmat Awards Sustainability 
2023  Premio Especial Asturiana de Zinc - Premios ATEG 
2023  Premio Fassa Bartolo Prize Sustainable Architecture
2023  Obra destacada Mostra arquitectura de Barcelona
2022  Finalista Premio MIES VAN DER ROHE Award
2022  Winner Grand Prix du Design Platinium Winner
2022  Winner EDUWIK Architecture Excellence Awards
2022  Winner Gold Award BEST ARCHITECTS - Gold Award
2022  Winner Best Multi-family Housing Future House Awards
2022  Winner Wood Design & Building Award
2021  Winner. Premio Europeo di Architettura MATILDE BAFFA UGO RIVOLTA 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Gold Award. BEST ARCHITECTS 22. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  First Prize. Premios MAPEI a la Arquitectura Sostenible 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Jury's TOP PICK. BLT Built Design Awards - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. THE PLAN AWARD 2021 - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Best of best. ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE AMP 2021 - Residential Multi Unit. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner ex-aequo. Premio CATALUNYA CONSTRUCCIÓ 2021 - Innovació a la construcció. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio A+ by DAIKIN  - Vivienda plurifamiliar. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. XV Premios NAN Arquitectura y construcción 2021 - Residencial. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio de opinión, PREMIO FAD DE ARQUITECTURA. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Awarded. Arquitectura y Urbanismo, BEAU XV. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà

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Published on: June 30, 2023
Cite: "All FAD 2023 finalists. Architecture that faces contemporary problems" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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